
Task lists directly at the ticket


During the use of a ticket, there can be several tasks which are not supposed to be listed in different tickets. In that case the TicketChecklist is useful.


Never forget the tasks of a ticket again! If a ticket has many articles and the tasks are being discussed over and over again, the risk of forgetting something becomes reasonable.

It is not always convenient to create a new ticket for every task. For example, if only a small subtask is being discussed.

With this add-one, you can create to-do lists/checklists for your tickets. For this there is a menu item "checklist" in the ticket menu.

Über das Ticketmenü kommt man zur Checkliste use the ticket menu to access the checklist

The checklist can be managed in the dialog:

  • adding/deleting entries
  • determine a person responsible
  • setting a target date
  • setting a status
  • changing order of tasks
  • setting priorities for tasks

Checkliste Verwalten
adminster checklist

If such a checklist exists, it will be displayed in the ticket view:

Checkliste in der Ticketansicht
checklist in the ticket view

As ticket owner it is furthermore possible to be notified when the status of a task changes.

A mail will be sent to the person in charge when the target date is reached (or almost reached).

To gain a quick overview of own tasks, two filters can be used:

  • tasks with own responsibility
  • own tickets (ownership) with checklists

Brief overview on the functionalities

  • checklists for tickets with description, due date, responsible person, status
  • dashboard for overview on own tasks
  • dashboard widget with all own tasks
  • templates for checklists
    → checklists which occur time and again can be created more easily
  • event module
    → automatic set up of checklists during ticket creation
  • entries in ticket history
    → checklist traceability


Versions: ((OTRS)) Community Edition3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x

Price: 1.000,00€ / 1.190,00€ (netto/brutto)

Another ticket can be linked to while setting an article number
A simple statisctic for tickets and their checklists was implemented, the ticket owner and person responsible are notified when all tasks are completed,
The selection of a person responisble can be autocompleted. LDAP can be chosen as back end for the autocomplete
Change notices can be recorded in the tasks, also while using the ticket widget to change the status
An additional ticket print version is available which will also print the checklist.
Setting an article number to which a TODO item belongs,
checklist templates can be used while creating a ticket.
The selection of allowed people responsible can now be restricted to all agents with "ro"-rights for the queue of the ticket.
Changes made to the checklist are written into the ticket history
Dashboard widget with own tasks added
checklist templates now possible
  • Support Drag'n'Drop
    → task order can be changed by Drag'n'Drop
  • Generic Interface-Integration
    → checklists can be maintained elsewhere
  • Import/Export
    → simplifies the deployment of test machine to productiv operation