
Create tickets faster for the usual requests.


The same pop-ups appear over and over again, forcing you to enter everything again, wasting too much time. Simply use a template to create a ticket.


With TicketTemplates, you can create templates for frequent requests in your company. Or you can create checklists with things your agents should ask on the telefon. The templates can be administrated in the admin area.

Verwaltung der Vorlagen im Adminbereich
Template administration in the admin area

All possible features of a ticket can be preallocated there. This includes:

  • ticket type
  • subject
  • priority
  • ticket text
  • queue
  • owner
  • time units
  • service (if the later selected client has the service)
  • SLA (if the later selected client has the service)
  • dynamic fields
  • dynamic fields

template example

Auswahl der Vorlage in der Ticketmaske
selecting a template in the ticket interface

A selection for the templates is inserted in the ticket creation interface. As soon as a template is selected, the pre-set values are filled in.

Ausgefülltes Ticket
Filled out ticket

Short function overview:

  • ticket templates for tickets, selection in ticket creation interface (telefon and mail tickets)
  • ticket templates for customer area
  • visibility of templates can be limited to certain groups
  • list of presettable ticket features (see above)
  • limit visibility to rw- and ro- rights in groups
  • create a ticket from a template via the toolbar


Versions: ((OTRS)) Community Edition3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x

Price: 1.000,00€ / 1.190,00€ (netto/brutto)

4.0.8, 3.3.26, 3.1.4
The decision if rw- and ro-rights are necessary is configurable.
4.0.5, 3.3.22
Create a ticket from a template via the toolbar.
support for ((OTRS)) Community Edition3.1.x
Templates can be given attachments.
Bugfix: In certain cases, JavaScript did not set some fields. This is now fixed.
Visibility of templates for certain groups is adjustable.
Compatibility improved with other addons.
The customer user is presettable.
Dynamic fields are presettable.
  • Addresses in To, CC and BCC
    → any number of addresses for To, CC and BCC
  • use attachments from the standard attachments
    → Attachments can be administrated in the admin area. Those can be used for the templates.
  • import/export templates
    → easier transfer/saving of templates between two OTRS-instances
  • supporting tags
    → more dynamic content, for example , ...
  • templates by ticket type
    → create templates specifically for email and telephone tickets
  • templates by text type
    → templates specifically for ticket creation and notes